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Facts and Questions (FAQ)

Q. Are interest, inflation, and taxes included in my reserve study?

A. Yes absolutely! To get a clearer picture of the future, the effects of inflation, and earned interest are included when preparing a reserve study.

As an example, a $250 door will cost $283 in five years if the inflation rate is 2.5%. That’s a cost increase of 13%. Obviously, the impact on reserves is cumulative and the further in the future your study goes, the greater the impact of interest and inflation.

Including earned interest reduces the annual reserve payments but adds to a tax burden as well. The net result is a reduction in annual reserve payments.

Today, many people live on fixed income.  Keeping their reserve payments to a minimum is important to them and important to the well being of the association as well.

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Q. When should I update my reserve study?

A. Any time there is a change in interest rates, inflation rates, association membership, management change, or a change in the association improvements.

Your reserve study can be instantly modified to reflect changes in inflation rates, actual costs vs. estimated costs, interest rate changes in reserve accounts, etc.  Changes can be made almost as fast as you can click with your mouse.

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Q. Why should I buy AFI Professional?

A. We believe that the reasons will become apparent as you use the program. It’s fast, user friendly, and well documented.

We think you’ll find the extensive editing capability a pleasure to use.

Using AFI Professional should dramatically reduce the amount of time spent and reduce the level of frustration most people feel when working on reserve studies.

With the speed, editing capabilities, and flexibility of AFI Professional, we’ve pulled well ahead of the competition, and we continue to improve the capability of the program.

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Q. Will AFI Professional yield expert results?

A. Yes! And then some. Many of the features in AFI Professional haven’t even been thought about by the competition.

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Q. Can I include an annual operating budget in my reserve study?

A. Yes! AFI Professional allows you to include an annual operating budget.  In fact, AFI Professional takes it one step further by estimating your future operating budget using the rate of inflation set for the reserve study.

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Q. Can I add comments to the reserve items?

A. Yes! Comments can be added to each reserve item and additional subjects can be added to the summary report.

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Q. Will the program really minimize my annual reserve payments?

A. Yes! This is a unique feature that only AFI Professional offers. If a minimum payment schedule exists, AFI Professional will find it and give the results in only a few seconds. See the help files for more details.

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Q. Can the reserve study reports be customized?

A. Yes! You can include your letterhead in the reports with a custom signature block.

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Q. Can I include special assessments?

A. Yes! While most associations do not like to special assess, it sometimes becomes necessary.  AFI Professional allows you to designate any reserve item as a special assessment item.

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Q. How far into the future should my reserve study go?

A. Most reserve studies look 30 years ahead, but AFI Professional will allow you to look anywhere from 1 to 50 years into the future.

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Q. Can I identify when expense items are to be replaced?

A. Yes! All reserve items are shown by the year of replacement, future cost, whether or not the reserve item repeats, and other fundamental information.  In addition, you can select either calendar years or expense years for your reports.

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Q. Should my homeowners association prepare a reserve study?

A. Yes! Absolutely! It is important to maintain a current reserve study to ensure the financial and physical condition of the association.

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Q. Does AFI Professional come with a tutorial?

A. Yes! A tutorial is included. In addition, every screen in the program has a help file available when you need it.

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Q. Can I e-mail my reserve study?

A. Yes! The ability to e-mail reports is another unique feature that only AFI Professional offers. Simply click a button to make a PDF of your reserve study.  PDF files are very compact and allow you to send electronic copies of your reports to anyone with an e-mail account. The e-mailed reports cannot be changed but they can be printed.

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Q. I already have a reserve study program.  Why change to AFI Professional?

AFI Professional is a serious, no nonsense, robust, and versatile program. Designed by people who do reserve studies professionally, AFI Professional delivers real world solutions quickly and reliably.

It's fast, easy to use, and loaded with options. Even if you're an expert at the program you are now using, you'll find AFI Professional easier to use and much faster than your current program. You should see significant savings in time right away.

Editing is a snap, and you can see the results of your changes in an instant.

Use your own letterhead and signature blocks in the reports. Page numbering is automatic, and the AFI Professional includes a model proposal, contract, and contract general conditions.

Generate PDF files for your clients, and then e-mail your reserve study for their review, saving time, printing costs, and frustration.

Minimize reserve payments with the click of a button. Try that with your existing reserve study program.

The list of features just goes on and on…

AFI Professional is fast, easy to use, makes editing a pleasure, and will pay for itself the first time you use it. . Try AFI Professional and see why we say, "We make reserve studies easy!"

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Q:Will AFI Professional run on Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8?

A: Yes, AFI programs will run on Vista, Windows 7, but not Windows8… not yet

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Q: Will AFI run on a Mac?

A: No.

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